Monday, March 9, 2015

Release of Atlantis

Atlantis Word Processor has been released.

This version of Atlantis is a minor release with a number of improvements and changes regarding pictures. Click here for the release notes.

There are multiple ways to upgrade your copy of Atlantis Word Processor to the latest version.

If you do not have Atlantis Word Processor on your computer yet, you can install this new version of Atlantis by running the latest setup file of Atlantis. Click here to download it.


Mossie said...

Atlantis appears to be buggy. Let's say you create a new blank document, then you paste some text in it and then you PRINT that text, then you want to CLOSE Atlantis cuz you're done . . . guess what ?? You will be FORCED to SAVE the document whether you like it or NOT !!! You then have to go look for that document later and DELETE it from your Windows explorer. My question : WHY must the user be FORCED to save snippets of text or be FORCED to SAVE **every** friggen document ?? Atlantis does NOT ask the user whether he would LIKE to SAVE the document or Not, Atlantis forces the user to SAVE the document !!

Atlantis Word Processor Team said...

Please choose the "Tools | Options..." menu command of Atlantis, and click the "Optional Messages..." button on the "General" tab. Make sure that the "Document ### has been modified. Save changes?" item is checked, and OK out of the open dialogs.

Mossie said...

Thank you for a very quick response. But I am afraid that "unchecking" that optional message did NOT solve the problem. In fact, I would like to ask you to do the following :

1. Create a blank document.
2. type some short text in it, two or three words.
3. Now CLOSE the document.

Instead of Atlantis "ASKING" you whether you want to SAVE the file or NOT, it will show you the SAVE AS dialog box and you are FORCED to SAVE the file ! This means you cannot create a throw-away document in Atlantis. You are forced to ALWAYS SAVE every document that you ever worked with. Try the 3 steps above yourself, you will see.

Atlantis Word Processor Team said...

If your Atlantis is not asking whether you want to save the document or not, the "Document ### has been modified. Save changes?" optional message is disabled in your Atlantis with default answer "Yes".

Atlantis Word Processor Team said...

>I am afraid that "unchecking" that optional message did NOT solve the problem

The message should be checked, not unchecked.

Atlantis Word Processor Team said...

You can always run a test copy of Atlantis with the "factory settings" to make sure that a problem is not caused by your current Atlantis settings. Use the "Tools | Factory Settings..." menu command of Atlantis.

Mossie said...

Oh ! My problem has been solved :) I was checking/unchecking the WRONG check box in the Optional Messages dialog, my bad ! I was checking the "Document ### has been edited by another program" instead of the "Document ### has been changed" , now it is working perfectly ! Atlantis is 100% brilliant :) :) I withdraw my initial statement, Atlantis does NOT FORCE the user to save a document. There is indeed an option for the user to control this behavior.

Atlantis Word Processor Team said...

All the optional messages are enabled by default.

If something is working incorrectly on your system, you can always try running a copy with the factory settings.