Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tweaking ePubs (2): Metadata

You already know how to make adjustments to existing EPUB files.

So what you might need to change in EPUBs generated by Atlantis?

Sometimes authors need to add extra metadata to their EPUBs. Metadata is stored within the file with .opf extension. If you open any Atlantis EPUB with the tweak_epub utility (or with any ZIP software), you will find a file called "content.opf" under the "Ops" folder:

This file contains a separate section with metadata:

On the above screen capture, the EPUB file contains 5 metadata items: title, creator, date, identifier, and language. When you save a document as eBook in Atlantis, you can instruct Atlantis to add more metadata items to the book's content.opf file by specifying the corresponding "basic information" about your book in the "Save as eBook" window:

But you might still need to add metadata not supported by the "Save as eBook" window of Atlantis. In such cases you could add it manually to content.opf. For example, you could add a "book genre" metadata to your EPUB:

You can find more information on EPUB metadata in the corresponding section of the EPUB specification.

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